Two Paths and 2017


A few days before Christmas, I sat down with my 9 year old daughter for a bite of lunch. While she gnawed away on some mac & cheese, she asked, “Why do we give gifts to each other on Christmas?” Frankly, I don’t really know how the tradition started but I’m sure there’s a perfectly reasonable answer. I’d actually pondered the same, just haven’t wondered enough to Google it. But in this wondering, at one point or another I’d come up with a possible explanation. I relayed that explanation to my daughter.

“Well as you know, on Christmas we celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ. Jesus was a gift to humankind by God himself. And on His birth, wise men showed up with gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh. Throughout Jesus’ life, He both sacrificed and provided what He could to all who chose to follow Him. And even in His death, He provided us the gift of eternal life if we should choose to accept it. I guess one way to honor His birth is to sacrifice our own desires and give something to others. I think that’s how He would want us to celebrate His birthday.”

Now I’m kind of a literalist. I primarily worked in Intelligence while in the military so I have never liked to propose a theory without having some data to back it up. So I guess I’ve given it some additional thought while out on the Harley or driving the 45 minutes to and from my regular paycheck (still haven’t googled it). In these thoughts, my vision has morphed to the New Year.

A few months back I lost a Marine brother, one that I’m proud to have served alongside in Afghanistan. Most of us who have served post 9/11 have lost one, or several brothers. For many, their deaths way heavy. Perhaps there’s some survivor’s guilt or maybe feel that a lot of the civilian population will never grasp the sacrifices made by these men and women, and therefore grow disillusioned. In the end, we remain behind, in part due to their incredible sacrifice. What we do with that is up to us.

For the most part, there’s two paths we who remain can take. One is remembering their deaths. The other is remembering their sacrifice. The first is often mired in alcohol or drugs. This life choice quickly spins out of control almost always with negative outcomes. The second option is by truly living. Seeing their passing as a sacrifice, a sacrifice so that others may live, suggests that it is our duty to make the most of this life here on earth, and  really live.

I’m probably not going to Google why we give gifts on Christmas. Frankly, I think I gave a fair explanation, that Christ would like us to celebrate His birth by giving to others. I would also argue that our brothers who sacrificed their lives for our freedom, deserve our honor and respect. The way to do that is by living this life to the fullest. It’s a new year. In 2017, honor those who passed before us through the life you live.

Live Strong. Be Strong. Sheepdog Strong


One thought on “Two Paths and 2017

  1. Patty January 3, 2017 / 6:19 am

    You should write columns for magazines or papers.


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