
Sheepdog Strong, founded by Tony Walters, is a fitness concept and business tailored specifically for those serving in the military, law-enforcement, and firefighting communities as well as all others whom dedicate their lives, present or past, to serving and protecting this nations people. Sheepdogs aren’t afforded the luxury of fitness specialization but must bring sufficient strength, speed, power, and endurance on demand. After seeing a lot of confusion among service-members amidst his 9+ years of service regarding what the most “functional” program should be for the requirements of this line of work, Tony began to study and turned his garage into a laboratory. The results are the basis of Sheepdog Strong’s Daily Exercise and available Advanced Programs.

Sheepdog Strong is more than just about fitness. We believe strength of body translates to strength of mind. We offer group training not just to build functional fitness but to further the brotherhood and create an extended community. Additionally, we believe that the desire to serve with purpose doesn’t end with your contract. Therefore, we intend on raising awareness and funds for non-profits that serve this community through hosted events throughout the year (related or unrelated to fitness). Finally, we offer a voice for this community through our blog, addressing all things related to tactical fitness, military and first responder events, activities and general musings.

For more, visit www.sheepdogstrong.com and follow us at www.facebook.com/sheepdogstrong and on Instagram at sheepdog_strong. If you’d like to contribute a post, send a copy to alpha@sheepdogstrong.com for review.

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